OctoCam Weather Conditions


Feels like: N/A
Wind: N/A mph 路 Gusting to N/A mph
VisibilityN/A mi
Cloud Cover: ~N/A%
Humidity: N/A% 路 Dew Point: N/A掳F
Sunrise: N/A 路 Sunset: N/A
Daylight: N/A (N/A not in Night Mode)
Night Mode off at N/A 路 Night Mode on at N/A
Fetching weather data...
OctoCam Status Update
OctoCam has been partially unavailable since 4:55 PM EDT on May 12 due to the ongoing network outage as a result of moving apartments. Images are still being captured. However, timelapses aren't being generated, the latest image isn't available, the long-term archive is offline, and the status page is offline.

The backend should come online sometime before 8 PM EDT on May 13, restoring access to all of OctoCam. All images should be uploaded by 2 AM EDT on May 14. Timelapses should be properly in place by 2:15 AM EDT on May 14.

I will be moving out of the apartment that OctoCam is in on May 31. As such, the following changes will be occurring to OctoCam in the coming month:
  • - By the early hours of May 14, OctoCam should have resumed real-time image uploads and timelapses will be coming out normally. Increased image delays will be likely as images are traversing the internet.
  • - On May 31st sometime in the afternoon, I will actually take down OctoCam and it will stop capturing images. All timelapses will be uploaded by 12:15 AM EDT on June 1st, including the monthly May 2024 timelapse.
  • - I'll make changes to the OctoCam website on June 1 since no new images will be uploaded. The exact changes being made are TBD - but likely everything will move to the archive and that will become the primary page of OctoCam for some time.
After June 1st, expect OctoCam to not capture any images for at least a month or so as I figure out where to put OctoCam next, along with any system changes that are needed.
Welcome to OctoCam!
OctoCam is a webcam stuck to the window of my apartment capturing photos every 20 seconds to make cool timelapses! You can view the latest image OctoCam captured, current weather conditions for where OctoCam is, daily timelapses for the last 30 days, and today's partial timelapse that gets generated every 3 hours.

v2.8.15 路 © 2021-2024 owenthe.dev
Looking for timelapses older than the ones here? Check out the OctoCam Video Archive.